Introducing myself to FFMN students before taking them out in the field and promoting VHS.
Today Mike and I led memebers of the Fairfax Master Naturalist on a Herpetelogical tour through Huntley Meadows Marsh and the surrounding Palustrine Forest. click here
some of the encounters we had today.
spotted salamander. Other cool amphibians were sighted as well by our group including a green tree frog click here video by Michael Greogory
Southern Leopard Frog
Eastern Snapping Turtle
Can you ID this guy?
American Bull Frog
Beaver Lodge next to Marsh Boardwalk
Muskrat that that Mike spotted next to boarwalk click here to watch muskrat feeding video by Michael Gregory
Worm Snake – a frequent encounter today in the woodlands.
Pair of Barn Swallows (photo by Mike Gregory)
All the critters we caught were set free unharmed. Everyone seemed to have had a great time today!!! I know Mike and I did. More pics and video to follow!!!